I was reading and I ran across this statement where Congress is looking for more tax revenue:


“Employer-paid health premiums aren’t included in an employee’s taxable wages, even though the employer is able to deduct the amounts as a business expense.”


While taxing direct benefits is not a new concept, I find it flawed.  Employers are able to deduct the space employee’s use, their desks as well as the supplies they use.  Employers also get to deduct such personal benefits such as coffee, tea, water and snacks or personal use of a copier.


Granted I am taking a farcical stance on the physical space and the tools used for the conducting of business. But the company and employees benefit from the implicit and explicit benefits of employment.  Will Congress want to tax those next?


My preference would be to force Congress to live and play by the rules they impose on others.  Including “insider trading rules”, child care benefits, medical benefits and cut their ability to have minions at their beck and call on our dime.  But now I am being delusional, why would they want to live in our world, when theirs is so much better and costs nothing to them.


Beware those who wish to tax and spend.  In Illinois we are surrounded by them.

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