The act when you give something (an item or a favor), the other person naturally feels indebted to you – especially if the gift is unexpected.

But also people do not like feeling indebted to others. We are hard-wired to balance the scales again as soon as possible. Eager to regain balance, you instinctively give something back. This helps you feel better about yourself and the situation.

I believe that this is the situation that I am supposed to be in.  I met with a payroll service sales representative and they invited me and my staff to a free all day seminar that includes lunch and free CPE.  What more could a cheap CPA ask for.

But the referral that they are looking for will have to be a good fit for the client.  Not because I have a need to reciprocate a boon to my staff.

But the fact that they the company has re-emerged from the past to let us know who to contact in the possible of a need gives them a good step forward.  I have no idea who my sales rep is from their largest competitor.  The rep we knew was promoted upward and we have not been visited by others in years.

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