I have several clients who need to fine tune their sales departments. The problems are varied and their solutions are unclear.

The first one has several sales people who do not seem capable of meeting the targets set before them.  Their response is the quality of the leads. But when I have been there with no owner present, there is no urgency, nor were any sales calls being made.

The second is a sole proprietor who needs to make some fundamental changes because what they have been doing just does not seem to be working today.

The third is a one person sales department where there should be three people.  The salesman is pushing back against the hire of others.  I am assuming because they are concerned about their earning ability.

For the first company they have tried different incentives to motivate as well as changes in personnel. As well as personnel changes.

The second has yet to make any material changes that I am aware of, but I am suggesting the need for new centers of influence may be helpful, as well as a plan to touch base with existing clients for referrals.

For the third, they have a problem.  Since they don’t want to lose the current salesman, but they need to firm up the department to create a sales department capable of growing their future.

Since this is not my area of expertise, all I can do is offer suggestions and assist them where and when they ask.

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