I casually mentioned at one time that I was planning on starting the QuickBooks Webinar Workshops.  The webinars would be designed to go over issues that clients are having with QuickBooks and answer their questions in a live format.

Now the person that I mentioned this program to apparently runs webinars…

So now they are pushing for me to hire them to run theses webinars and to allow them to insert themselves between me and my clients.  Never mind that this person uses the Apple version of QuickBooks, which I have heard IT people call the castrated version of QuickBooks.  This person also has no clue on how run QuickBooks and I have been a Certified QuickBooks Pro Advisor since 2006.

I have attempted to explain that this is a service that I was planning on offering to clients and possibly potential new clients.  With that in mind I felt that it should be me running the seminars.

Seeing my money staying in my pocket, they made a couple more attempts to get me to hire them since they stated they are the professionals.

I am really starting to wonder what constitutes as a professional in this scenario:  I know that the webinar hosting service does most of the technical work of sending out the webinar to the internet.  The hosting service also has all of the technology to record the webinar and allow for the interaction with questions and answers.  I have the QB knowledge, so where would they come in other than to have someone interact with my clients besides myself?

I think not.

When I mentioned this proposal to outsource the webinar to those in the office and they looked at me in disbelief since they know why I was planning on this and they agreed that it would be a very good idea.  Some of the clients we discussed this with were excited as well.

SO we have it on our agenda to get QuickBooks webinars started in the hopefully not too distant future, and my office will retain control over the presentation.

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