The illusion of the simple return, no one believes that their lives are as complicated as they are.  We received a call at the beginning of October where a potential client was looking for someone to prepare their tax return.  “Since the filing deadline on an extension is October 15th.”


The caller emphatically stated that they had a simple return and wanted a quote as to how much we would charge them for the preparation.  “As I asked more about this return, it’s difficulties became ever more evident.”


I inquired as to how many W-2’s they would need filed, the answer was “none”.  I asked about income sources then.  Well, they had a business, so a Schedule C would be required.  Then they let it slip that they owned properties, so a Schedule E would be required.


So now I am looking at a 1040, probably a Schedule A, possible a Schedule B, definitely a Schedule C, I didn’t ask about stock sales, so Schedule D was an unknown, but there would definitely be a Schedule E.  Yup, a tax return so simple that he needs a professional to process, assuming that he has all of the documents and information ready and in good form, for the pending deadline.


But then we have the kicker, he is a non-filer in 2014 as well, so he needs 2014 return done ASAP as well.


So, I am attempting to explain that before I could even consider a quote, I would need to see what shape the records are in.  Based upon what he was stating the tax return is not as simple as he seems to think it to be.


So he passed on us. We would not give him a firm price over the phone, so he was done with us.  Off he was to find someone to do his simple returns for him with the deadline less than two weeks away.

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