A stock is a type of security that signifies a small percentage of ownership in a corporation and represents a claim on part of the corporation’s assets and earnings.

Warren Buffett likes to say that the first rule of investing is “Don’t lose money,” and the second rule is, “Never forget the first rule.”


So how much time did you spend researching your IRA, 401K and other investments?  Was it at least as long as you spent researching your last phone, tv or tool you purchased?  Or did you pool the room or pick the random retirement date option.


Will these decisions help you follow Buffet’s investment philosophy?  Do you believe in Buffet’s investment philosophy?  If you use a financial advisor do they follow Buffet’s investment philosophy with your investments?


Are you taking your investment portfolio serious?  Assuming that you do or believe you should you should be reviewing your statements.  You should be an active participant in your investing and not a passive observer.

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