Hundreds of years ago in the dark ages of office productivity, workers toiled before computer terminals.  These terminals were connected to a great computer, which required all slaved to be tethered to it for communication.

These great computers were special and we knew it.  They typically had their own special room with slaves tended to its needs and maintained it in great comfort; in specially air conditioned rooms with and extra fire protection.

Those who toiled outside the great room before their terminal alters typically saw only green.  Green text, that is.  Only those who were deemed worthy had orange to see.  So the masses saw only green throughout the day.

Then the world changed and the great rooms disappeared.  The terminal alters went away and desktops emerged.  Those desktops were replace by laptops which truly severed the toil from the office environment altogether is one was truly blessed.

But now under the threat of the great cloud we are now moving away from the individuality that was created by the desktop and glorified by the laptop.  Now we all trudge toward the inevitable cloud and all the evil that it brings.

Now the overlords will again be able to see what you are doing.  Where you are at when you are doing it and maybe even know why you are doing it. They will also know for how long we are doing it…

The laptops and the tablets that we clutch so closely will no longer hold our information.  We are required to sacrifice it to the great cloud.  And the circle is concluded, as we are all tethered back to the great computer in the sky…

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