It seems that times are definitely a changing…

We are moving to the “Gig Economy”, the gig, or on-demand, economy is the new favorite business model that seems to be coming out of Silicon Valley these days.

A few years ago there was a study by Intuit, in which they estimated that as much as 40% of the American workforce could be freelancers, independent contractors, or consultants by the year 2020. It’s a major, major economic shift.

The “Gig Economy” allows an individual to make extra money by driving their cars, selling home made products or selling specifically designed websites or newsletters.  Purveyors of their economy are Airnub, oDesk, Etsy and Uber, but these companies shy away from the traditional work environment.

But now the politicians are making this a political hot potato.  I am of the opinion that is you have the skill, time and resources, why not maximize them and make money doing so.

To discuss how to protect yourself with such a enterprise, please contact our office for an appointment.

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