I am working with a few businesses that are in the planning stages of taking their businesses to the next level.

One is currently quoting on a monster job that will either force them to grow or to stay small and outsource a number of aspects of the job to other vendors, thus reducing the profit and growth potential.

We are meeting to discuss how to structure the larger company into separate profit centers.  Establishing who should be running the technical aspects of each center and how they would fit into the comprehensive marketing plan of the company’s brand for the future.

Another is looking for a General Manager to take the lead from an owner looking to step down in the not too distant future.  I have been able to assist with the location of the appropriate personnel to assist with the search.

We are also continuing to locate CPA’s looking to retire and take their businesses under our brand.  We have assumed a few clients from an elder practitioner who is just looking to lighten their load.  We are also awaiting a proposal from another CPA who would be working for us for a time before their retirement.

Another client has also started the building of a Board of Directors for their business.  I have been asked to serve on this board.  It is always encouraging when people not only solicit ones advice, but occasionally act upon that advice as well.

Contact the office to schedule a time to get together to see how we can help you grow your business to meet your goals.

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