I just met with a client who is now ramping up their business.  The initial plan was to set-up an e-publishing company.  The client has a number of completed books, but felt that they were not good enough for “prime time” so there has been a deferred in getting the business off the ground.  We had agreements about other e-publishers who issued their books seemingly without any proof reading or a simple spell-check and they were issued.  But the client wanted to only issue quality and not quantity.

But now they have finished another volume, this one was sent to a professional editor at the recommendation of the publisher.  The client is now re-editing the book, they felt that the publisher editor was inferior and did not do an adequate job on the book.

But now we are building the true foundation for the business, the website is being recreated, to include an RSS feed, a PayPal shopping cart and some other goodies. Not to mention an outline for blog entries are being developed the social media accounts are now up and running.

The client is now tasked with opening another checking account for the PayPal deposits.  The royalties from the publisher can go into the operating account.  But I never recommend allowing PayPal free access to your operating account. They also never got a business credit card that is necessary for backup for the PayPal account.

We are also developing plans for additional revenue streams for the business.

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