How would you like to enter the business world in the “Logistics” category?  Not only start your own business, but not have to troll for clients and with a minimum initial investment?  Your revenues will grow and the profits are all but guaranteed.  The cost of entry can be a low as $10,000.  If this sounds good to you, Amazon Logistics is looking for you!

Too good to be true…?  Probably, but the details are from the Amazon Brochure.

I have to say the brochure looks good; they cover just enough details to pique the interest, but don’t touch on any of the downside of running a business.  But then they only want you to sign up they don’t want you to ask too many questions, like how much will the vans cost, who actually owns the Amazon branded vehicles ( You, your business or Amazon)?   They just mention exclusive deals, so it may be a lease agreement.  But you are expected to run 20 to 40 vans per day.  Someone has to buy them, pay for the upkeep and maintenance as well as gas.

The brochure does spell out that you will have to be hiring staff, but not on a constant basis which will probably be necessary for growth and sustainability.

I really wish I knew someone who signed up for this.  I really want to see how they have this set-up, but   don’t want my fingerprints on it.  I can see some real upside potential, but I can also see lots and lots of downside.  Because once the expectation is there and you don’t or can’t perform what happens?

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