I was having lunch with someone I have done business with before. They had been able to assist where those who were supposed to help me would not.

So I was surprised when he had left the company, because it was not for another position with another company.

When we meet for lunch, I finally got a small fraction of the story.  He had signed a confidentiality non-disclosure agreement so I can’t get the full story.  But I was drawing conclusions and his poker face is horrible, I got a couple of ideas.

He did let me know that he asked for the package.  He felt he was in a no win situation and outside looked better than inside from a long term perspective.

So I am guessing that the problems that brought on this situation were subordinate created. In the past I had to appeal for assistance by bringing him issues that his subordinate did not address, my guess is that this was typical and that I was not alone. 

I had surmised that the subordinate was and is bulletproof, this is based upon my subsequent attempts to deal with the subordinate and management.  This was confirmed by a conversation with another active employee who is aware of the situation to affirm.

So my contact left a solid position with a growing large company, because in this situation shit ran uphill and not downhill.  Trouble and reputation are on the line for this company  all because of an unfireable subordinate who does not do their job. 

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