I was meeting with a couple of of my clients for the first phase of year-end tax planning.  One of them made a mildly despairing remark about their skills.  I quickly corrected her and then explained that these two women are the exception to the rule as far as partners not working together long term.  They have looked out for one another and helped one another over the years.  They survived through health issues, family issues, deaths and divorces; but also through the great times as well.

I also explained that women were starting small businesses twice as often as men and were having greater success at it.  I chalk this up to women quickly admitting what they need help with and then getting that help.  Men tend to believe they can do it all, when we obviously cannot.  We also are much slower to ask or hire help until it is absolutely necessary.

Which probably explains why I rely heavily on the advice of my staff, my wife also expects me to ask their advice on a regular basis.  At times when I ask her for her opinion she wants to know what Amy and Janet think before she answers.

I also have a few women on my Advisory Board.  To whom do you ask for good advice?

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