I have been encountering more women business owners lately.  I consider this to be a good thing.  Women tend to approach business from a different perspective then men, less instinct and a more measured approach.  They are also tend to be more conservative, so I believe more likely to succeed.

But I was reading an article that quoted a 99 designs survey of women entrepreneurs worldwide that unveiled unique challenges for women entrepreneurs.

Males apparently are more aggressive in raising startup funds, twice as likely to have a $100,000 available.

Women start out as sole proprietors 49% of the time, not something I would recommend unless it made absolute sense and then only for a short trial period, versus 31% or males.  68% or women also start their business from their home vs 48% or men.

The survey did show that neither women nor men asked for assistance well; tended to not get out of their comfort zone easily and felt guilt for working too often. According to the survey 52% of women wait till they are over 35 to start their business despite have the experience and passion to do so sooner.

I have seen the skills and passion of women entrepreneurs.  Women are more likely to succeed since when they do ask for help they tend to act upon the advice. The only time I have seen women businesses falter is when they do not run their businesses like businesses.

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