As many of you are well aware several restaurant chains have Ziosk devices on their tables.

I have to say I am not a fan.  I don’t want to play a game if I am with someone.  I like to have wait staff employed at restaurants and places I frequent. Also, most of the time it appears that they have never wiped off, when I have to move one I feel the need to rewash my hands…

Now I have heard stories that the tip calculators have been tampered with; so if you wanted to give a 20% tip you should run the numbers through your head just to ensure the calculator is correct.  I have not seen one off myself, but someone I trust has seen it, so it has been done.

I am mistrustful of them because it seems as if it would be incredibly easy to add a credit card cloner or skimmer to the device.  If they were not easily noticed at Target or gas stations, why not on a device that you have time to play with to ensure the job looks unnoticeable?

But probably the main reason I don’t like them is that they are kid bait.  The colors and images are designed to have a child grab it and touch the buttons before a parent would be able to stop them.  Yes, it is only $1.99, but in my mind the idea behind it is slimy and boarder line unethical.  Unless the parents indulge the child(ren).

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