I have run into a number of situations where an individual should be promoting themselves, yet seem to be promoting the company wrapper they currently have about their shoulders.


I know a realtor form a networking group, when I was a member of the group he switched realtor brokerage companies at least three times.  Every time he did he switched his business cards, marketing materials and his embroidered shirts.


I asked him if he ran his own business, or was an employee of the company’s.  I knew he was not an employee.  He had his own company, filed his business return with a different CPA.  So I keep poking him on why he promotes these companies and not himself.  His card, marketing materials and embroidered shirts should all have his companies name on it and not the broker.  Last I looked he has never completely changed his approach.


I have asked several attorneys the same questions.  They may be partners in their firms, but they are not equity partners.  They can be let go.  But here I have them thinking, a couple of them have shifted their marketing to a more direct approach to branding themselves more than their firms.  Their names are larger than the firms on business cards and marketing materials when possible.


The financial advisors are basically screwed, in that they cannot really market themselves or their firms because of all the SEC and Finra rules and regulations.  But s couple of “captive” advisors see what I am preaching and are moving as much as possible to market themselves and not their firms.


Whom do you market?


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