Ok, you made the decision to start your business, or the decision was made for you.  Either way you have a business.

After the initial start-up phase you went into the growth phase of the business.  You have acquired those initial clients and grew your business from there.

Now you have plateaued and nothing you are doing is assisting to get you to that next level.  So now it is time to review and evaluate where you actually stand with your business and team.

You need to start scaling your business to the next level.  So you should be looking at what skills and tools you need to propel you to that next level.

It may be reevaluating your staff and where you have them and what they are doing.  Are they maximizing your business to get you to the next level?  DO they have the skill set to assist or hold you back?

Your Board of Advisors or Board of Directors, do they have the skills and experience to help guide you to that next level.  If not, you will need to replace or add to get the skill set and tools necessary to scale the business to that next level.

Are you at that point that you are the problem?  Are your skills, drive and desire enough to get you to that next level?

If you need assistance with any or all of these determinations give our office a call for an appointment.


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