With the next major shift on the economy will be the Internet revolution.  I have questions as to how this will work.

Since we have just had a large bank and airlines get hacked,  Yes I believe the Wells Fargo, Delta Airlines, Southwest Airlines, and American Airlines outages were cyber-attacks.  So if they are vulnerable to cyber threats, I have some general questions about the functionality of the IOTs.

Who will be providing the overall connectivity?  Will it be Comcast, AT&T some other provider yet to be named?  Who will be paying for this connectivity?  At present the wireless connection in my house sucks and I have Comcast.  How are they going to boost that signal, so my refrigerator will be able to order more milk? When will we get more than one or two bars in some populated areas?  Who will determine appropriate safety levels for the signals, some are still concerned about the safety of cell phones on the human body.

What are the device standards going to be?  Since I am ancient I remember VHS vs Betamax and the lower quality won.  I also know that charger cords were standard over a decade ago and now there are significant distinctions between units from the same manufacturer.  Who will be dictating standards?  Who will be paying for these standards?

Who will be safeguarding our health and safety?  Where will the privacy lines be drawn?

How are we going to blanket cities to ensure that all citizens have the same quality of service?  Again who will be doing the paying for the service?

The concept is exciting to contemplate.  But the reality and the functionality is troubling.

It will be interesting to see how fast we can really proceed.


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