Recently my bank was robbed. Yes, the one where I make most of my deposits.


Granted I knew there are still morons out there that think it is lucrative to rob banks, even in this day and age.  So this rocket scientist was caught within 2 hours or so of the robbery.


Unlike Willie Sutton’s suspected rationale to robbing banks – “Because that’s where the money is.”  This is no longer the case.


Having had multiply discussions on the topic with various bankers, they have informed me that banks no longer carry the cash they had in decades past.  Since a large segment of the population is living in a near cashless society.  So, robbing them will yield less cash, but still sic the FBI onto your trail.


A much better target in today’s world would be Mexican grocery stores on payday.  That is where the cash is nowadays; a large number of our poor and cannot afford the costs of a checking account and remain the cash dominant portion of our society.  So grocery stores work more closely with this demographic for a modest profit and cash their paychecks.   But who knows what precautions they are taking to secure their assets.


So the robber made a number of poor choices, robbery as a profession being number one.


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