I was watching a television program were it was stated that all cons are variation from seven basic principles.  So hearing this I was curious.  Especially with the number of scams and cons that where we are bombarded with e-mail scans to IRS fraud calls or calls attempting to extort money from grandparents.  So we have all been exposed to cons at all levels, some we have fallen prey to others where we were not.

So here are the definitions that I found on the internet.

The distraction principle: While you are distracted by what retains your interest, hustlers can do anything to you and you won’t notice.

The social compliance principle: Most civilized culture trains people to adhere to perceived societal rules. Social Engineers know how to use social pressures and our desire to fit in against out better judgement.

The herd principle: Even suspicious marks will let their guard down when everyone next to them appears to share the same risks. Safety in numbers? Not if they’re all conspiring against you.

The dishonesty principle: Anything illegal you do will be used against you by the fraudster, making it harder for you to seek help once you realize you’ve been had. The best cons have you doing all his/her dirty work.

The deception principle: Things and people are not what they seem. Hustlers know how to manipulate you to make you believe that they are.

The need and greed principle: Your needs and desires make you vulnerable. Once hustlers know what you really want, they can easily manipulate you.

The Time principle: When you are under time pressure to make an important choice, you use a different decision strategy. Hustlers steer you towards a strategy involving less reasoning.

Looking at the list can you see where the scams and cons that you are aware of fit in?  How about what you have seen in movies?  I see :The Sting”, “Boiler Room” and “Glengarry Glen Ross”.



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