DO you have a financial plan?  If so when was it originally done?  When did you last have it updated?  How often should you have it updated?


The answer to some of these questions in my mind actually rests with how close you are to retirement.  I am aware of financial advisors that like to get their clients in annually to update their plans.  But then they are charging a fee every time they do the update.


If you are getting closer to and closer to retirement you may want to consider every two to three years.  But once you are retired, every three to five years may make more sense.


The idea of a financial plan is to set the course for the future, granted individual holding may need to be reviewed more frequently, but the plan itself should not need to be altered with great frequency.


The asset allocation may need tweaking as I stated, but the idea behind this is to sell high and buy low.  So rebalancing should be happening, but the allocation percentage in each category should not need modifications.


If you need a financial advisor or are uncomfortable with the decision of your current advisor, give us a call we can help you find the correct advisor for you.

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