Employers must start making decisions on health care plans for 2018 with the knowledge that, for now at least, Obamacare is still the law of the land.


The law includes the so-called Cadillac tax on high-cost plans, a 40% excise tax on plans costing at least $10,200 for single coverage or $27,500 for family coverage.


Small groups where the owners and employee are older have been and continue to pay high premiums for their health care plans.  Not wanting to change doctors or overall coverage, they have been hit with some significant increases.  Some have been pushed into the Cadillac plan strata because of theses hikes.

Now they will have to consider reducing coverage to lower the bill or cough up more money to pay the tax.

I have to wonder what Congress’ health care coverage costs per family.  Oh that’s right it does not matter since they opted themselves out of this bullshit.


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