This one truly surprised me when I found out they existed.  No interest for 12/15/18 month credit cards.  My whole understanding of the credit card industry has been that they insist on getting paid royally from both side of any transaction, just because they could

But here they went and change the formula on me.  I learned about it from a new client and I went and looked into it further and found it was true.  There are banks that are issuing no interest credit cards for period specific time frames of a minimum of a year.

I have a number of clients who could benefit from this, so I let them know.  One client had $20,000 on a few cards paying 20%+ interest rates.  Now he will be paying principal only for the next year.  This will significantly reduce the remaining balances as he continues to get his financial house in order.

If you have outstanding credit card balances you may also wish to look into these products.


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