This is a topic that I have been reading about for years.  Actually the first time I did it was 100 years ago in a “Spenser” novel by Robert B. Parker.  The bad guys had a roof garden on top of their fortified building to feed the gang and minimize the need to leave the fortress in Boston.

Now we have Vermont startup has brought this Do-It-Yourself phenomenon to gardening, and Home Depot is looking to cash in.

The company, Seedsheet, has a single simple product: the seedsheet, a kit for growing vegetables at home.

This consists of a biodegradable sheet comes with seed pods affixed to it; each pod contains seeds and a small amount of soil. You lay the sheet on top of a soil bed like a blanket, and water it.

Once watered, the pods immediately dissolve, and the sheet serves as a barrier to weeds.

I can see the benefit of this product quite easily.  I have had numerous conversations with clients who would love to do this.

Now to see what the completion does in this category.  Remember the first product out is not always the survivor in the marketplace.

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