When I am talking to prospective clients they are sometimes surprised when they ask about our other clients.

We work with a wide variety of clients some are start-ups and others are multi-generational companies.  They all need to be flexible and need to change with the times.  That may well be why they are working with us and not a competitor, we challenge our clients we question them and we look to set-up financial dashboards for each of them.  We also look to the future, wanting to know the 1, 3 or 5 year plans.

So new clients coming in can be intimidated by these questions, or  are when they find that we have a client looking at hit $10mm in revenue this or next year.  But we have and offer the same services to all clients.  Some take us up on more than others do.  But they know that we are available if they need assistance or want to change and grow.

We are looking for clients who want to grow and take their business to the next level and are not just concerned with compliance accounting, whether they are a start-up or been in business for years.   Yes, we can just do the compliance work, but that is not where we excel.

Start-ups have concerns that are slightly different than a multi-generational company.  But both need to have revenues that exceed expenses.  Both need to have adequate financing to keep the doors open and for growth.  Both need to have plans on how to obtain that growth.  They need to have measures and benchmarks that are meaningful to them as well as being useful.

That is why they work with us.

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