A number of businesses have prided themselves on their youth culture, filing their ranks with Millennials, slowly forcing out the Gen X’ers and Boomers.  Now in some circles as the Millennials who are near or over 30 are feeling the gentle hand on their backs pushing them towards the door as Generation Z graduates are viewed as have more up to date skills and will work for less cash.

Also companies who understand the value of experience, but having difficulties getting the ideas from old employees out there are finding ways of teaming up the Boomers with Millennials.  It seems that management aggressively looking to market to the younger crowds have to get buy in from their younger employees first to get a project moving forward.  The team-ups allow the Boomer to get buy in from one Millennial to make the pitch.

This dynamic is interesting and I can’t wait to see how it plays out with the Millennials and the Gen-Zers.

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