Privacy truly seems to be a thing from the past and now is a gossamer vapor of want and needs.

According to Kiplinger we should all beware of free virtual private network apps proliferating in app stores. They believe that many are scams that swipe personal data, such as web browsing habits, to use for profit. Ironically, users often turn to VPNs to shield their website activity from the eyes of cybercriminals or data-collecting firms via a private tunnel of sorts.

Zuckerberg and Facebook again prove to not be anyone’s friend. A Facebook-owned app is the latest example of the growing problem. Onavo, which advertised itself as a VPN, collected data on a person’s mobile app habits.

Granted the app was removed from Apple’s store for breaching privacy and data security rules. But was allowed to be out there, at least until the wrongdoing was in the media.

If you are looking for a VPN look at the reputable companies if you are in the market. Also make sure the company has clear privacy and security policies.

You are obligated morally and legally in some circumstances to protect client data.  Make sure you have a plan, it’s implemented and working.

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