Due to a number of factors, some of which can and have been viewed as malicious we lost our website and the back-up.

So at the height of tax season we had no website.  It also took over two weeks to just get a temporary placeholder up and in place, just to let the world know we still existed.

For an analytics perspective we lost 426 site visits in 2016 from 2015.  In 2015 over 2014 we had had a 62% increase of site visits.

So in essence we lost over 1,101site views in 2016 without our website.  With that kind of hit rate who knows how many potential new clients we lost.

But that is now the past.  Our new website is up and running.  We do have more work to do.  We are missing most of the past blog postings and other information.  SO it will take a bit more time to get that information back in place.  We completely lost all of the planned April blog posting and most of the March postings as well.

I have just started to post the May blog postings starting with this one.

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