As a small business owner I know how important great staff is to the success of a business.  But the impact of those employees that are not great and their impact on the business are terrifying at some levels.

  • An assistant who does not keep up on client follow-ups
  • A sales person who generates minimal sales
  • The technician that wants to only to serve the minimum amount of clients
  • The clerical who cannot keep up on their required input and takes off days with great consistency

These are just some broad sweeping items that some clients are dealing with.  These businesses are crippled at certain levels by those who do not have the company’s best interests at heart, when they are on the job.

I can only assume that they are unaware of the jeopardy that they are placing the companies that they work for.  Small businesses have for the most part limited cash and resources.  Failure to meet a clients needs can cause the loss of that client and all future revenue from that client.  Ultimately this can lead to the failure of the company.

I know some think I am over exaggerating the situation.  But I have had these conversations with business owners and this is their perspective as well.  All members of the team need to work together towards the stated goals of the company for it to succeed and flourish.  It is that simple and necessary.

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