A friend and client of mine passed away last month.  He was important to me as well as this blog as one of the major IT people whose knowledge I respected, I quizzed him with regularity on what was new and exciting to him and what was on the horizon for the rest of us.  Those ideas and information were the source of many postings.


We argued about books, movies and interpretations of the underlying themes of tv shows and movies.


He saved me money by suggesting different tech products than what I was initially envisioning (Fire instead of an iPad).


He wanted to be an entrepreneur.  He had multiple ideas but had difficulty prioritizing beyond his job and his band.


He invited me to hear his band play, and took not offence when I passed.  I don’t really listen to music.  Right now I am alone in my office and I have the history of Chicago playing on the tv as white noise.


The first time I talked to Scott was on the phone; his father called him and put me on the phone with him. It seems that he had received a letter from the IRS demanding $30,000 in back taxes.


I was able to facilitate the correction of the fraud that had occurred.  It seems someone issued a fraudulent 1099 in his name as an expense.  The IRS was looking for the income tax and the payroll taxes.  Our friendship stated there.


He will be missed by many.

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