This year we were hired to prepare the final return for an investment club.  Once hired for the investment club return,  we were asked by a couple members to prepare their individual returns, we offered to do any members personal return for our minimum fee.

There were those who did not take us up on this offer.  They felt comfortable doing it themselves, or so they thought.  We received multiple calls from several members of the tax return box club.  Apparently that software was not set-up for the ease of entry of final partnership reruns, or a couple of other issues.

We attempted to assist them, but since none of us have any familiarity with the boxed software we could were limited with what we could do to advise them.

But we did explain that they should contact the box company for final assistance.  At best we could only guess at answers to the questions, because the true answers were not options from the software.

We only went as far as we did because of their ties to the investment club, limited as it was.

But with the issues the box people had with this, it leads me to wonder how accurate all those other returns are based upon the software.

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