The University of Chicago houses an Innovation Exchange.  This Business Incubator can provide space, mentorship and support to early stage start-ups.

The costs do not seem unreasonable for what is given.  There are monthly mentoring sessions, introductions to experts, training sessions and low level legal support.  This along with a desk for $200 a month is pretty reasonable.  If you utilize the support.

The Incubator is open to the community membership for $150 a quarter, you don’t need to be a student or faculty.  But they want information on your company, your 3 goals for your time as a CIE member, and the two strongest skills you bring to the CIE community, your LinkedIn profile and a YouTube pitch does not hurt.

This could be an interesting peer and mentor tool for your business.  It would all depend of your temperament on an open source environment.  But this environment could be ideal for Millennials.

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