I recently had some work deferred with a client because their Treasurer wanted to stay with the minimal accounting compliance that was already in place under their supervision.

When we met with the client there were all sorts of concerns, a strengthening of the foundation was needed as well as a mixed overall advertising message.  We discussed a board outline of items to address and were going to prioritize.

With the deferral for a year or so in place, the client has only the broad outline to work from, that along with any BOD recommendations.  Before we meet there were plans in place, but no definitive road map for a direction or a growth plan. There still is no roadmap.

Part of a foundation for any business is to have written policies and procedures.  Understand what you are doing and for whom and for how much.  Basically have a value statement for the business, making sure it is consistent across the board and easily understood. But then you need to have a plan on how to achieve defined goals, a “Trusted Advisor” can definitely help with the design and implementation of the plan.

Does your business focus on just compliance or a Trusted Advisor?

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