We have had some clients pass recently.  Some were surprises other were as expected and can be.


What we all need to do is have a plan or as much of a plan as possible for these circumstances.


There should be wills, trusts and estates set up and funded.  There should be health care “Powers of Attorney” in place.  Heirs should know where to access these documents and was they include.


Final wishes should be known.  What type of service is wanted if any?  These are your final wishes, if you have no preference then make that known in writing, they it is exclusively for the benefit of those left behind.


There should also be a road map of where everything is including passwords to computers and social media accounts.  Where is the money stashed? I have heard of stories where people cleaning up found bits of cash everywhere.  My mother had her cash all in one place, but the jewelry was in another.  Which I was instructed to collect immediately after she passed.


So be aware that you are never too young to have a plan.  Most people believe that there will always be time.  I have recently seen that there is not and have had to assist others in cleaning up the financial morass that is our lives.

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