What do you have an active fear in your business?  Is it making the next payroll?  Is it finding that next client? Is it having enough cash to cover your mortgage?  DO you have more than one fear?

All small business owners have them.  It does not matter if they are successful or on the verge of failure.  But, all business owners have their fears. It breaks down to the level or the urgency of the fear the larger you get.  Do you think that there are no fears for Tesla or Elon Musk? Yes, they land closer to the verge of failing more than successful, but I think a valid example.

If you are successful, the ones I know are most are concerned about the sustainability of the success; or the uniqueness of their product, or competition in general. Money is not always the greatest fear, but money can assist is abating other fears.

It is how you deal with your fears that matters.  Do you have people or someone who you can get to assist you?  Do you have a Board of Advisors that you can tap into to assist you in getting you past your fear?

Can you break your fear down to components?

The idea behind this is how do you eat a whale? One bite at a time.

So can you break your fears down t make them more manageable and less threatening? So you are not overwhelmed.

We assist clients in addressing any and all of their fears.  We use our years of experience to explain what their options are. We discuss the pro and cons of the decisions and then if possible we help them implement the plans.

How do you deal with your fears?

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