A hundred years ago,  when I started this business, I met with an entrepreneur who told me in no uncertain terms to lose the Hotmail e-mail address. If I wanted to be treated as a professional I should present myself as a professional.  Like I said, it was a hundred years ago. Hotmail was the Gmail of the time.


I thought about it and I had to agree.  If I wanted to do business with professionals I needed to be professional about it.  So, I splurged and bought a domain.  I then signed up for a e-mail package and hired someone to start on the first version of my website (on the limestone walls of Sulawesi).


So when I get a business card or an e-mail with a Gmail account, I have to admit I start judging them.  One reason if the complete lack of privacy with Google.  They have violated their own privacy policy so many times it is a joke.  With no mention of their terms of service agreement which basically allows them to claim your first born if they so choose to do so.


Do you think a Gmail account from someone with a long term view of their business or a short term view?  DO you want to work with someone with only a short term view in mind?  I am not even pointing fingers at my peers who still use AOL, Hotmail or Gmail accounts for their emails, either.

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