It seems to be a very old question: are you working for your money? Or is your money working for you?

If you are living paycheck to paycheck, you are definitely working for your money. It is hard to get enough money scrapped together at times to even start to think about having money work for you.  But it can be done.  It has been done by people of all walks of life.

I have a client that was able to scrape together enough cash to buy his business.  It was not easy, he had to make sacrifices modify his lifestyle downward (it was never really high) to get set to make his dream a reality. Now he and his money are working for him.

I also have clients that make small loans to businesses at rates slightly higher than a bank, but lower than a credit card. Their money is working for them.

I put some money into the stock exchange, looking for some higher returns.  In the year and a half I have only made a 15% return on my money.  Not bad, but the plan was to be closer to 20% each year for the risk taken.  So I am below my plan and one stock is in bankruptcy.  So I will have a total loss there.

So how are you answering the question?  Are you working for your money? Or is it working for you? Or is it a bit of both?

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