We just signed a new client.  They were a referral from our banker.  Apparently they were given two names and numbers, but the other CPA, could not even give the prospect the curtesy of a return call to let them know that they are not taking on new clients.  They were just ignored.


This was not the first time we have heard this story.


We did return their call and we had a good conversation and they passed our review process.  Also, we had the skill set and background to assist them with their issues.


They are delinquent in filing their business and personal tax returns as well as their books and records need to be brought up to date.


This is something that we seem to be doing for clients on a regular basis.  So we collected their information and are working on a schedule to get the work completed.


So our peers actions or inaction allow us to continue to grow and assist clients in meeting their goals.

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