It is always interesting on how businesses cope with under or over capacity.


I had heard that one owner of a printer shop that had opened a restaurant.  The employees of the print shop were trained to work all aspects of the restaurant.  So that when the printing business was slow they could get hours at the restaurant, so there was no dip in take home pay for the employees. Restaurant employees were also trained in the printing business as well.


I heard this story a few years ago from a financial advisor that worked with the owner and I still find it a fascinating way to broaden the income streams and increase employee loyalty and broaden employee skill sets as well.


One manufacturing client recently had the employees paint the facility when there was a slow month earlier this year.  The place now looks bright and clean and everyone stayed busy earning money during a slowdown.


But there is also the old stand by for under cutting hours or laying off personnel is difficult times.  But with the uptick, you now have the costs of finding, hiring and training.


How do you handle under or over capacity?

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