When I meet with clients, I like to take a holistic approach to their business.

Yes, we review their Financial Dashboard: reviewing the various metrics, as well as the prior year comparisons and industry comparisons if pertinent.

But I also spend time discussing whether they have implemented HR policies and procedures.  What is the standing of their internal control procedures?  Do they have a system for Quality Control in place?Have they modified their best practices? And how were they developed, reviewed and quantified?

It the BOA or BOD active and looking out for their best interests, only?

Beyond that we like to discuss and if possible review their marketing plan.  Is it a passive or an active marketing plan?  What or the components and what are the measurable?

The website is the foundation, but it is passive.  It may be updated regularly but it is still passive, in the “Red” ocean.  Their Social Media campaign is active to a point.  But sharing stories and images may not be bringing in the new clients.

You have to go where people gather and network and advertise your business and tell its story through yourself or your people.   You are looking to create the “Blue” ocean for your business.

What are your plans?


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