I was asked by a friend to attend a seminar for Real Estate investing.  He had attended the free seminar before and wanted my perspective.  So I went.

The presenter tried all of the usual tricks on the audience.  He stated that all investment decisions should be made using facts and numbers to make all investment decision.  Then proceeded to do nothing but appeal to the emotions of the audience to purchase the next level.

He asked what you would buy with the proceeds made.  Only a few select, would be allowed to attend because of limited space. The quoted a price was then discounted it, but only for those who bought that day.

He even used the tactic of the small yeses to get the audience to say yes to the big yes of the evening.

The whole presentation screamed scam.  He started to explain specifics of the program, but left the process in practical midsentence and went to another point.

My fiend explained that this was not what had been seen before and apologized for the waste of time.

I personally tend to avoid this type of event.  When I have gone, they have been a huge waste of time.  If you do go to one, listen with your eyes closed.  Try to ascertain if they are actually telling you anything, beyond the sales pitch to the next level.

For this one the next level was $4,000 discounted to $1,650.  The level after that would be $30,000 according to the internet.  So the money to be made in this program is the selling that they do, not what they will “teach” you.

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