Occasionally I will get a rogue e-mail from the spouse of a client.  I am usually taken aback by this.  Since most if not all communication typically comes from the client running the business.

Now, I have suggested that potential client not move forward with their business plans if their spouse is not on board.  Running a business can and typically is very stressful and have to justify business decisions at home will only add to the tensions.

So I respond to the spouse, granted I copy the client on the response as well.  Sometimes the questions or requests are typical. They are working on a home refinance and they need paperwork.  Some time it is for our opinion on the business, these can be tricky.  Other times they don’t make sense at all and we try our best to answer what we believe they are asking.

But having a spouse interested in the business and who is mentally supporting their spouse’s business can only help in its success.

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