There are many aspects of my bank that I really enjoy.  No they do not give me free money, but like said I enjoy my bank.  I don’t love it.

But they do support seminars that provide CPE for CPA’s and all of the events are well worth mine and my staff’s time.

They had one last month on “Practical Financial Tools for Control, Survival and Success”.  This was a full day seminar where they provided breakfast and lunch along with 8 hours of CPE for free.  But the best part was the speaker, he was interesting and entertaining.  The time flew by, and I picked up ideas for repositioning the firm and blog entries.

The most amusing thing about the speaker was his stressing communication as a tool for success.  He also gave out his website so we could sign up for their newsletter.

When I went to the website, the sign up was an e-mail to them where I had to request they add me.  But what was most hysterical part about this is the last blog posting was June of 2011.

I guess they don’t practice what they preach.  But that does not take away from the ideas that I garnered from the day.

If US Bank does do the second day next year, I will be inviting clients to attend.  If it is half as good as this one was, it will be worth their time as well.

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