It seems that new technology start-ups are facing a greater hurdle than they expected.  While they may have their great idea and are looking for VC or initial investors the larger tech companies (Google, Facebook or Amazon) are looking at what they are doing or trying to do.

After an evaluation, they then utilize their own tremendous resources and take the idea and run with it.  So then they no longer need to buy the start-ups.  They already have the idea and then develop it themselves saving millions in purchase costs.

The ones who came up with the original idea are left with little other than their idea.  So unless these new companies can continue to be more creative than the giants on their services and delivery they will have survival issues.  Assuming that they have secured financing for expansion and growth.

So if you have a great idea, do what you can in secret, watch who you pitch to make them sign airtight non-disclosure documents. And Good luck.


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