I have a couple of clients who decided to design and build their own website.  Now they are not the typical creative type.  But the results are interesting.

They both used website template was provided by their hosting company.  They dropped in the images and text. One also set up sister sites for the other corresponding companies.  So each individual site is combined off of a central page.

The sites are not elegant, but the industries do not require or need elegance.  I personally find the ad in the top right corner and at the bottom distracting from the one hosting company.

Neither site is well maintained.  Both have very old posting for those running the business.  To me that is always a distraction.  Having tried revisiting an old restaurant that had shuttered I always wonder about old information only on a website.

For our website we tend to do own updates and update our information regularly.  To the point when our site crashed and the back-up failed people called to see if we were still in business.  There was a change in IT services over this debacle.

I have client who do design work and I am amazed at what they are able to create.  I tried to get one to design my website.  He politely passed; he was working on projects for much larger businesses than mine.

But I did hire someone to set-up the site; we maintain it and provide new content.  So we are in as much control as possible.  But if need be we have support available for when we break something.  That is not always the case with the most DIYers.

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