What is your management style?


Long ago I was interviewing with a very timid Controller. I remember her as a very mousey person, very unsure of herself, especially since she was hiring a peer.  If I remember it correctly she was going to become Treasurer and the position I was interviewing for was Controller.


She very politely asked me how I would handle and abusive, insulting owner who shot down others ideas.  I stated that after a point in time if my ideas where not welcome or ever utilized, I would probably stop wasting time on offering them.


She also stated how I would feel if the owner presided over all meetings from a barber chair that was on a platform.  Since we were in the conference room I looked around and saw a large chair on a two foot platform.  Apparently the owner presided over all of the meeting from this chair to allow him to physically look down on all those beneath him.


At this point, as quickly as possible ended the interview.  I was wasting my time; there was no way I would ever work for this type of asshole.  I then knew that the Controller had worked for this guy for over 10 years and this was why she was the way she was.  She had been broken after years of abuse.


This is the worst management style I have ever encountered.  Bulling is not a way to inspire and motivate people.

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