I once had a client that did not want to have us come in on a monthly or quarterly basis to look over the QB file.  They insisted that they were maintaining their file, but they were doing so by several part time employees and the owner.  None of which had any QuickBooks training.  It was deemed too expensive.

Then this client was always surprised that their financials were in such a mess at the end of the year.  Yes, I know it I shocking, having multiple untrained people running your financials, what could ever go wrong there.

At one point we were brought in to clean up a payroll issue, it seems that the owner forgot to add some information about a new hire.

I know that hiring a CPA firm costs money, that is how we make our living.  But accurate financials are a management tool.  They can tell you were you currently stand financially and where your money is coming from and going to.

What is necessary is to find someone that you can work with and find the balance of what is needed and what is necessary.  Your CPA should be able to assist you in finding this balance.  If not call us, I know we can.

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