“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet”

What name you chose for your company has an impact; short-term and long-term. I have clients who have chosen to put their Location in the name.  If they had asked my I would have argued against.  Yes, you are in this town now, but if you move for larger space, smaller space or just need to get away from the taxes.  That name may haunt you. I feel that listing a location limits you in people’s minds that you service that are only.

I named my company after myself which I now wish I had not done.  But since I was initially an independent sole prop, the name was already out there and gaining some momentum.  So, I felt using anything other than my name when I incorporated would have been like pressing the restart button.  So, I opted out and kept using my name.  If I were starting today, I would use the corporate shell from the very beginning and not use my name.

But say I sell the business.  I am selling a part of my identity. Granted it may not be used, but the new owners would have rights to it.

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