Running a Business Archives |


Business owners need to get Independent contractors to complete Form W-9 for several important purposes: Providing tax information to clients: The W-9 allows contractors to provide their legal name, address, and taxpayer identification number (TIN) to the companies...

S-Corporation payroll

If you own and run an S-Corporation you are supposed to pay yourself a reasonable salary. Granted the IRS does not define reasonable salary, but there should be a salary. I work with a client whose son-in-law is retired an receives no Social Security, he had run his...


Beneficial Ownership Information Report are required reports that need to be filed.  I have just completed the Beneficial Ownership Information Reports for the companies that I own or am active with such as a NFP run by one of my sons.  Yes, NFP’s need to file as...

S-Corporation payroll

If you own and run an S-Corporation you are supposed to pay yourself a reasonable salary. Granted the IRS does not define reasonable salary, but there should be a salary. I work with a client whose son-in-law is retired and receives no Social Security, he had run his...

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