(847) 690-9454 [email protected]

How a business owner market their business has always been a strange attraction to me.  I am always on the look-out for an idea that I can steal and implement in my business.

I admit I am flabbergasted when I find that the business owner is doing no marketing or advertising and their business continues to grow.  Relying exclusively on word-of-mouth referrals, I am very envious.

While word of mouth is a great way to grow a business, I don’t think it should be the exclusive means of marketing for any business.

I know a financial advisor that for years grew his practice by referrals.  When I asked him what happens when the referrals stop, he had no idea of a plan of action.  Another client is a manufacturer, they have the same approach.  It works till it no longer works.

Marketing should be a planned approach for growth with multiple means of bringing in business.

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